Domestic abuse surges during the pandemic
Lockdown has been one of the worst experiences for many of us. However, for some people, it was a real hell on earth. Women that have been already stuck in abusive relationships had it even harder in the lockdown.
According to an investigation by BBC’s Panorama, two-thirds of women suffered more violence from their abuser throughout this difficult time. Moreover, three-quarters of victims have said that being in lockdown made it way harder to escape from abusive relationships. Reports assume that domestic abuse has risen by 20% during the lockdown.
Women in the United Kingdom were left without any specific help during the global pandemic and the emotional distress of it made matters even worse. Unfortunately, victims trapped in such abusive relationships with narcissistic and psychopathic men are used to living in fear of escaping. During lockdown where all of us have been told to stay home and surged fear of covid-19 added even more emotional agony into the mix. Such circumstances make everything harder for the victims of abusers.
Victoria Derbyshire hosted one of the victims in her program. The woman named Jess expelled how bad abuse became during the lockdown. She said: “I was at home with him, we were both listing Boris Johnson and he looked over at me, he had his arms folded back and chest out, [because] he knew that it would intimidate me, and he looked at me and he said: ‘let the games begin’ ”
Almost all domestic abusers use fear to control their victims, it is a classic type of manipulation used by narcissistic psychopaths to make their prey even weaker. They only abuse people that are either physically or mentally weaker than them, because they know that against an equal opponent they are doomed to lose.
It’s fair to assume such ‘man’ is an example of a twisted sociopath, using fear of covid-19 and emotional distress related to that just, so he could abuse their victim to the extent like never before.
Various groups that specify the women’s abuse have warned that domestic violence will increase throughout the pandemic. Two weeks after the lockdown was announced, the government has said that over £2 million will be given to domestic abuse helplines and many social campaigns have been launched to encourage people that they should report such crime.
Many women have suffered rape, violence, both mental and physical abuse during the lockdown. Abusers used this circumstance to feel free with their sadistic minds, after all being stuck in the home during a global pandemic makes fear much more impactful. Being trapped in an abusive household with no possibility to run has a disastrous effect.
If you are trapped in a house with an abuser do not be afraid to seek out help even during these difficult times of global pandemic. You can call the national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247, or search for women’s aid domestic abuse. They can and will help you no matter the situations, help is there do not be afraid to reach out.