The end of civilization as we know have already started.
Scientists argue when the complete change of climate will come. Our planet changes into inhabitable place. What can we do to avoid it? How can we survive ecological crisis?
As we vocalize the climate change problem more and more we are starting to notice that fringe issue is now mainstream concern. More frequently politicians held proceedings dedicated to climate change. European Commission points out that the technology may help people to relinquish from consumerism. Moreover, EU Commission sees high-tech as solution to restore low carbon community life and develop resilience through more local food. One-way or anther the society has to adjust consumerism because of climate change. Communities around the globe either have to dramatically change the way of existing or will face future collapse.
Earlier this year, we have witnessed environmental changes like never before; Amazon and California fires, extreme heat-waves in the West, more frequent hurricanes and level of pollution keeps raising. Scientists already been researching how in the future Earth will become inhabitable, our influence as the community can either slow-down inevitable process or speed it up to the moment where we wake up and its already too late for survival. According to one speaker from UN Conference at Geneva, Jem Bendall’s thesis states that society needs to adapt into changing environment. Bendall’s paper says: “The climate emergency calls on us to explore what we can do, individually and collectively, to adapt to climate-induced disruption.” Climate Change is the reason to adjust our consumerism and look for ways to live smarter both as community and individual.
In the theory, we should focus on bringing down global atmospheric carbon concentration and methodically conduct our agriculture. The real challenge according to Jem Bendall is political and economic system that is deeply based on industrial consumer capitalism.
‘’The central political, economic and cultural constraint on our ability to transform is that we exist within an economic system which requires continual growth of economic activity in order for new debt to be created, so that money can circulate, and therefore people can earn money to participate in society.’’
For the first time in history in 1987 the government institution United Nations General Assembly, reported that climate change is a real existential danger for civilization and we are the cause of it. Since then, we are still arguing if climate change is real issue. However, today we are in distribution of technology that may help us to adapt into new environment.
In the beginning we have to focus on sustaining food and water supplies. Fifty percent of our calories are coming from grains; also almost all of our calories need meat and dairy. Communities have to adjust agriculture for possible future where producing grain on such scale will be no longer available. By using simple technologies such as new reservoirs, irrigated potato farms we can positively influence our agriculture. Also many farming technologies can be useful as well. Hydroponics, new forms of insect-based food production are one of many ways of adjusting. Because of the climate change effect on our society we are standing in front of opportunity to change into more agroecological approach to farming
The most devastating change of our system will be getting rid of technologies that are causing vulnerability in the long-term. Current consumerism system constantly over uses the economic expansion, if we continue going down this way our financial system will experience appalling collapse. We may find solution in information technologies that are alternative to exchange of main currencies such as Sterling Pound or US Dollar. These technologies must be exploited to easier access and fixability. The development of such technologies already has begun in the community sectors.
During the international sessions about Climate Change the term “Deep Adaption” is mention more frequently. Since May 2019, the deep adaption map for navigating climate tragedy had been downloaded over 420,000 times. Clearly, people start to see that our society needs to be adjusted to new challenging problems that are issued by Climate Change. Deep Adaption is a paper that formulates what we can do to survive and evade environmental crisis. This theory states how governments can prepare and reduce coming harm from climate change. Significantly the awareness grows around communities and governments to adapt technological advantages into agriculture, financial system and economical sectors. Without quick act we may see billions of suffering from climate change globally.
Hopefully, in not distant future we will see the adaptation and adjustments in our communities. This is a last moment to start fighting against the old-fashioned system that needs to be changed or we will witness the collapse of our civilization.